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Sunday, November 7, 2010

My last class at Intermediate English I!!

This class was really interesting because the students were learning adverbs of manner. What I liked about this class was that the students were paying attention when I was explaining grammar, and they were also asking questions. I folded small pieces of paper and in one side I wrote an adjective and in the other side I wrote the adverb of manner corresponding to the adjective. I brought a cord and I pasted it on the wall. I showed the adjective to the students and they were saying the adverb. Then, I turned the piece of paper to show the adverb and I was putting the pieces of paper in the cord. The students were very motivated to participate! I can say that this was the part of the class I liked the most. At the same time, students were having fun because I gave the students an example of an adjective with its adverb of manner and I pasted on the wall all the rules to form the adverbs. The students were looking for the rule corresponding to the adverb they had. They did it in pairs because there were 9 rules pasted in different walls of the classroom.

I brought three different short conversations and I divided the class into 3 groups. I gave a conversation to each group and I asked the groups to practice the conversation assigned in pairs. Then, from every group I chose two students to present it in front of the class, and they did a great job because some of them were trying to remember the conversation without reading it!!

Unfortunately, I could not develop one activity because I took too much time explaining the adverbs of manner because I was also giving examples using the adverbs in sentences, but my tutor teacher told me that it was ok to take that time to explain grammar because he noticed that the students understood very well.

Fortunately, I don´t have an activity that hadn´t gone not so well. I just had problems with time as I explained before.

If I teach that lesson again, I will teach grammar in the same way I did it in this class because I observed that the students´ attention was on what I was doing. They were very focused observing the adjectives in one side of a piece of paper and the adverb in the other side. They were also looking at the different rules that were pasted around them (in the walls) in order to classify each adjective I was showing. I liked this class!


  1. Dear friend, you did a nice job in your last class!! I know that you are ready to teach any level from now on because you have learned many interesting things from every class you taught. Your efforts weren't in vane. Congratulations for your great job my dear friend!!

  2. Lily, I have already used the cord to teach English Grammar, too. It is very useful because students always pay attention. I guess that it is a new way to learn grammar for them that's why they pay attention :-)
    It has worked for me, and i am pretty sure it worked for you,too.

    It was a very nice class, my friend. I cannot believe that we finished this experienced. I have learned many important things about teaching. It has been really nice to face all this process. You also learned many things, right? I can bet on it!! :-)
