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Saturday, October 16, 2010

My First Class at Intermediate English I

This class was really interesting for me because I knew almost all the students; that is why I just had to memorize like six new names but it was very easy.
I noticed that the students liked the warm up activity. It was a TPR activity called “class secrets” in which they needed to be as quickly as possible because it was a competence between two groups. I gave them some troubles and the first group to pass them had the opportunity to take one piece of paper containing a question. This group had to answer the question by giving a complete sentence.
Example: Who may secretly be in love?
The group said a name of someone they thought may be in love. If the group made a mistake structuring the answer, they lost the point.

At the end the group with more points was the winner.

Then, the activity that went well was one in which the students were sharing some ideas and they were using the required structure (may, will, might, won´t). I brought a chart in which there were some incomplete sentences, the students were adding information according to them.
Example: In five years…………..
Students: In five years I will be a professional.
In five years I may buy a car.
All their answers were really good and what I liked is that the prompts I brought made them think about the things they may, might, will or won´t do.

The activity that did not go so well was a competence activity. I brought a chart that had incomplete sentences. The sentences did not have the modals (may, might, will, won´t) so, I asked them to make three groups and I gave to each group the modals that were missing (in small pieces of paper in different colors). Each group had a different color. I read the sentences and they had to paste the correct modal I mentioned. The group that pasted it first was going to get a point. I did not like so much this activity because the students were making a kind of mess and the activity did not work as I had planned it. Also, the room was kind of small and I did not have the space I needed for the activity.

Fortunately, time was not a problem for me in this class. I know that it has been a challenge for me in every class, but this time it wasn´t.

If I teach that lesson again I will develop activities according to the way the students work. I will also think about the space I have in the classroom and if I know that it is too small, I won´t bring activities in which the students need enough space. Finally, I will take into account if the activity I plan to develop can create a problem, especially if it can create a mess in the class.


  1. Lili I really liked your class...I was there so I could see it and I think the students liked your class as well... :) I loved that activity of challenges!! I will steal it though I cannot use it with them hehe...

  2. What I really like about this class Teacher Proffesor Lily is the warm-up activity and the one that you used a chart....I think that I will steal this chart....like Monika said. I know that when working with a big group it`s hard and it`s harder to make an activity in which they have to move around the classroom. I know you are getting new experiences there.... and of course I know you are working less I mean "hard" from the previous group....(kidding...)

  3. It was a very nice class, Lili. I know that is kind of difficult to work with many students at the same time. The teacher must be clever as you did it. It was nice to use the kind of activities you used during your class because you motivated and ecouraged your students to be interested on your class.

    I liked the way you shared with us what you did. I also liked the way you worked in this class. You were very creative to teach. Nice job, Lili.
