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Sunday, August 8, 2010

My third class!!

This class was very interesting because the students were studying the use of countable and uncountable nouns that is why, the part of the lesson that went well was the grammar explanation. This was like a review for the students because they already studied something about countable and uncountable when they were at Basic English. I just tried to include more vocabulary in order to use this grammar because when the students studied it, the context was about food. Now, I tried to include different things that can be counted or that cannot be.

Fortunately, I do not have a part of the lesson that did not go well. For me, this was a very good class because the students were participating a lot and I did not spend too much time in the grammar stage (It was not needed). I would like you to give me some ideas to explain grammar because as you know, it is a really boring part for the students and we can´t spend too much time there.

I think that the part that engaged the students the most was the very controlled stage because the students were using the grammar I had just explained. They were asking different questions, and it was really nice because they showed me that they were interested in learning something more from my class.

I had some problems with the time. I had prepared a game for the end of my class, but I could not develop it because as some of you know, teachers hate when we take time from their class. Anyways, it was my fault because I was not checking the time for each activity.

If I teach that lesson again, I think that I will look for different ways to teach the countable and uncountable nouns because the students get bored when they are studying a part of grammar that they already know.


  1. HI lili,

    I was in my facebook account and bumped into your update thus i felt like reading and commenting. You mentioned teaching grammar and how to make it a bit interesting. Well I thought of youtbe and found this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjyYkSFnjM0, you may get the best of this. Remember grammar is a challenging part of your lesson but your atttitude and how much you get the class engaged during the explanation would be less tiring the explanation phase. The video itself might still be boring to watch; however the activities you design around it will make the difference.

  2. Lili,
    Many teachers think that the grammar part is boring. I think that it depends on how you present it to the students. You do not have to spend too much time explaining the rules. Instead, try to bring enough examples of the structure and let the students figure out the rules. After that, you may have the students share their comments with their peers.
    At the end, the teacher has to clarify any doubts or misconception.

    Cristian Meléndez

  3. Well Lili it's nice to see how you are enjoying your teaching practicum. It is rewarding to see how students engage in the activities we prepare. It is a great satisfaction to see that our effors haven't been in vane. I just want to remind you that keeping track of time it's important. I know that this is hard for us. In my personal case this issue has been kind of difficult because one has to learn to balance the time according to the importnce of the activities, but don't worry we are learning and of course that we learn from every day experience. Go ahead!

  4. Dear Lily as you know this part is one of the most difficul to teach, and some teacher don`t like to do it, because it`s hard or just because they don`t like, but I`m happy to see that you could do it and the best thing is that you did it well. Remember that students understand better the whole topic depending on the explanation phase.

  5. Lili, I have some recommendations for you.

    1- Be careful with the time, at the time you organize what you are going to do, try to include 5 more minutes for the unexpected situations.

    2- There are some games that can help you to explain Grammar in a different way. you can look for some information or some new ideas in some sites. you can go to "Mess-english". it contains some ideas that you can modify for your students. Some of them are very nice.

    3- Don't get desperate because you have to take into account that you are not perfect (jaaj...)
    Sometimes it is kind of difficult to call students' attention, but you can use some strategies to improve you work.
