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Monday, March 22, 2010

Tongue twisters as a way of having fun in the classroom!!

Tongue twisters are really useful if you want your students to practice some sounds. In this way, you are helping your students to improve their pronunciation and fluency, and at the same time, they are having fun!!!

Check out the following tongue twister!!

"I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won´t wish the wish the wish you want to wish"

There, you can see that students can practice the /w/ and the /S/(long "s") sounds.


  1. Do you think tongue twisters help students improve pronunciation and fluency???
    Give your point of view and share tongue twisters!!

  2. Yeap I think so. Besides,they help students to get familiar with English slang and be faster to think.

  3. Hey Lili! Your blog is really nice. I think having fun in the class is good for the students learning. When they are having fun They learn better and the learning process is meaningful

  4. Hey, Lili. This is a nice blog. I consider that fun is very important in the classroom because students are more focus on what they are learning when the learning process is enjoyable.

  5. I´ve got another tongue twister: "A noisy noise annoys an oyster" Try to repeat it a lot of times and as fast as you can... :-p
