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Monday, March 22, 2010

Tongue twisters as a way of having fun in the classroom!!

Tongue twisters are really useful if you want your students to practice some sounds. In this way, you are helping your students to improve their pronunciation and fluency, and at the same time, they are having fun!!!

Check out the following tongue twister!!

"I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won´t wish the wish the wish you want to wish"

There, you can see that students can practice the /w/ and the /S/(long "s") sounds.


Why is it important to have fun in the classroom??

Did you know that by having fun in the classroom, you create a nice environment??

Of course it is a fact!!

It is difficult to create this kind of environment in the classroom, but it is possible if you are willing to change those boring classes in which students are not interested in.

Most of the cases, children are the ones that have lot of fun in the classroom; but, it does not mean that teens and adult learners can´t have it. Of course they can!!! But we have to be careful with the kind of activities we will use to have fun with these students because they can get embarrassed if you aks them to do something they think is for children.

In this way, students will walk into a classroom with a possitive learning attitude that will motivate them to continue, and to be concentrated in the lessons. The nice point is that they will not be saying excuses when you ask them to work!

Remember that in the classroom you have different intelligences, and a sense of humos can help you a lot to give each student the opportunity to use their learning skills according to the learning style they have.

This was my point of view, Now tell me how important is for you as a teacher to have fun in the classroom?...